High Energy Betatron

 with functions like image zooming, free grey value stretch, contrast gradient stretch, 9fake colors, filter, edge enhancement, equalization, emboss, threshold value division, negative display, length measurement, area measurement, grey value display, image marking and noting), Monitor system(can view all movements inside room during work), Mechanical system, Electrical system and Protection & alarming system. Can real time viewing workpiece inspection images to recognize if any failure and failure type(fo example, crack, slag inclusion, air hole and other). User can save and do process for collected images directly by software.

7.5MEV X Ray Cyclotron Dual-energy electron betatron
7.5MEV X Ray Cyclotron Dual-energy electron betatron
X Ray Highway Container Detection
X Ray Highway Container Detection
X Ray Single high energy betatron
X Ray Single high energy betatron
High frequency High Energy Portable Electron Accelerator
High frequency High Energy Portable Electron Accelerator
High AFC X Ray Electron linear accelerator
High AFC X Ray Electron linear accelerator
X Ray Linear Electron Accelerator
X Ray Linear Electron Accelerator
Industrial high thickness Linear Accelerator
Industrial high thickness Linear Accelerator
X Ray Electron Cyclotron linear-accelerator
X Ray Electron Cyclotron linear-accelerator
X Ray Industrial Computer Tomography
X Ray Industrial Computer Tomography
Industrial Xray computed tomography(CT in short)
Industrial Xray computed tomography(CT in short)
betatron diagram
betatron diagram

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